Tell Me a Story | 在這瘋狂的年代
Emily Wang Solo Exhibition



Curator: Jenny Lee

Through the suggestive power of color, gesture, and figurative imagery in painting and poetry, I explore the space within duality — the struggle and synergy of opposing forces — in life as in creation. Underlying this exploration is my reflection on the Venusian duality and the symbolisms associated with it — the Moon, femininity, water, fertility, the death and regeneration of nature, and creative energy; the same symbol bears different names such as Ishtar (or Inanna) — queen of heaven and queen of the underworld — the goddess of love and war.

The energetic exchange between these ambivalent forces embodied in my exploration is multilayered through the tension between visual and literary devices and the synergy of both— the battle between color (painting) and drawing, the potential of narrative-shifts of biomorphic forms in painting, the interlacing of visual expression (painting) and poetic imagination (poetry), and the re-framing of mythical symbols via poetry as well as through the tension of juxtaposing the visual (painting) with the verbal (work title).

In the end, the totality of this exhibition forms an allegorical space — a space of in-between — allowing the ebb and flow of experiencing these interactions to converge, take shape and assume new meanings within viewers.

Without storytelling per-se, I am creating my own myth — of hope, of timelessness, of love and light, the same pursuit since human’s ancient past, as seen in Dante’s Divine Comedy, and still finds its resonance in the poem from which the title of this exhibition is borrowed.

Let the myth unfold.







“I wanted to paint light,
but all I’ve drawn out is darkness.”
– Emily Wang, Excavation (2021)

To Emily Wang, the creative process is a constant negotiation between intuition and reason. It is a transformative process engaging a visual energy and qualities of emotional tension through the dynamics of visual syntax, which in turn creates feeling and narrative. It is the unification of both the cognitive and sensate that makes the experience of visual discovery meaningful to her.

The quality of her work is therefore multilayered. On the one hand, this stems from her dual discipline in fine arts and philosophy; on the other, it has to do with her in-depth practice in multiple visual mediums including photography, drawing, and painting. The direction of her practice is also shaped by her upbringing and life experience as an outlander, a role she involuntarily inherited but later has become the perspective she adopts. Her identity as a “neither-nor” enables her compassionate understanding and insight into the underlying ideologies or assumptions of the various cultural and socio-political groups she encounters. This motivates her to go beyond the apparent dichotomy and strives for timeless value. With a keen eye and poetic empathy, Wang infuses her work with vitality by leveraging seemingly oxymoronic elements.

Wang defines herself as a colorist. The dynamic relations between color and drawing underpin the ethos of her oeuvre. Through the vibrant dialogue composed of colors and gestural forms, and through her approach of all-over painting, Wang nurtures an intricate spatial tension across her canvas. The energy of each work is brought about by a constantly shifting correlation between the myriad of brushstrokes. As one’s gaze travels across the canvas, and with any changes in perspective and focal point, one experiences a simultaneous collision and coalescence of opposing energies. Through prolonged engagement in seeing, the multiplicity of narrative potentials unfolds gradually.

In her 2019 solo exhibition A Sense of Pleasure, Wang selected a series of abstract works from her decade-long endeavor of working from direct observation, including drawings and paintings, as well as photographic polyptychs of equally abstract quality. Her process began with constructing large-scale tabletop installation resembling an interior landscape that allows her an immersive experience throughout her creative process from constructing it to visually engaging it, and painting from it. Swimming in the ocean of sensory experiences, her body becomes a highly perceptive vehicle that simultaneously takes on multiple roles as a beholder, a mediator, and the creator throughout the creative process. The triangular relationship was transformed on the canvas via brushstrokes with each stroke setting in motion new sets of visual correlations and meaning.

In her latest solo exhibition Tell Me a Story at TKG+ Projects, the energetic exchange between ambivalent forces once again takes center stage. In addition to painting, she also integrates poetry in her exploration of duality. Since the inception of the theme related to this exhibition, Wang began to experience a strong sense of poetic sound along with the ebb and flow of her inner experiences during her creative process. Incubated for years, the songs without words she experienced began to materialize in 2020 when she relocated to a small coastal town in eastern Taiwan. The changeable sea is the grand theatre of nature’s dual force which resonates with the artist’s theme of exploration. Poetry came to her during her daily walk to the Pacific. Imageries and symbols in her poems infuse personal reflections and dream revelations of Venusian dual symbolisms, connecting personal perspective with the general theme of her exploration of duality. Similarly, through the suggestive power of color relations, she combines observation and imagination in her painting process, and infuses visual discoveries made during her process with visions inspired by her dreams.

By colliding and coalescing two different mediums of expression, the exhibition space is transformed into an allegorical space to invoke a sense of mythical experience.

The drawing and the poem combination in the opening section engages the theme directly the artist’s yearning for Arcadia or eternity through its absence. By pairing an unfinished drawing with a poem that only hints at the possibility of the archetypal Venusian being, the artist answers the title of her exhibition that the quest for a promised land has no end and is always unfolding. 

The two large-scale double-sided paintings in the main exhibition area offers a new aspect of the tension between color and drawing. Through serendipity, Wang adopts a new textile material as her canvas. Unexpectedly, some heavy paint strokes penetrated the surface and created a drawing imbued with the organic quality resembling cave-painting that is distinct from the visual quality and meaning of the painting in the front. Each backside drawing is then finished on-site to complete its dialogue with the painting in the front. The permeability and penetration of color provides a new perspective on Wang’s oeuvre.


An artist changes the world not by physical force, but through the nurturing quality of her work. When reality becomes stranger than fiction, Wang seeks harmony and union of oppositions on a higher level. Just as the point of departure of the artist’s exploration of duality began with her yearning for Arcadia, it was the dark imageries of Dante’s Inferno and the corruption of humanity that symbolize that Wang struggled to reconcile with including her own shadows throughout her creative process. Out of this dark process, Wang gave birth to artwork filled with vitality; each symbolizes her spiritual rebirth. This is the best gift an artist can give to this world, and what the artist can contribute to the spiritual growth of the collective in the time of mania.





此次在TKG+ Projects的全新個展《 Tell Me a Story —在這瘋狂的年代 》,多元衝突及矛盾的關係,依然扮演藝術家創作的關鍵角色,而作品內涵的複雜層次更加多重。除了視覺語彙的淬煉,藝術家更將其在準備個展、回顧整體創作歷程時所感受到呼之欲出的內在聲響,昇華為詩歌,同時梳理與凝聚整個創作歷程裡各個感官片段。尤其在2020年底搬到台灣東部小鎮後,詩意有如潮水浸潤她身上的每一個細胞,乃至片段的聲響終究浮出意識表面,迸發為文字語句。在其前往海邊的路上,與生命創作歷程相呼應的詩句滿溢而出。結合繪畫裡的彩料語言,她譜出感官的、寓言式的內在經驗。這如同她繪畫裡運用色彩關係,結合直接觀看與觀察、接受經驗與夢的引發等內外經歷後一再地將之轉化,目的在創造一種存在的新樣貌。交織著繪畫的視覺及詩性的語言,透過兩種異質媒材的相遇與碰撞,同時將展覽空間轉換為寓意發酵的空間。未完成的素描與詩篇並呈的入口處,更直指藝術家的展覽命題——對永恆世外桃源的渴望,如同素描未完成的缺憾;烏托邦的失落雖是事實,卻也意味著應許之地永遠可企及的可能性。

此外,展場上的兩幅大型雙面畫作 No. 51, Magnitude 11 (Take 1) – Birth of Venus No. 54, Magnitude 11 (Take 2) – Forbidden Lili,揭示了王慶蘋持續探索繪畫與素描可能性的強烈意圖。使用不同於以往的無酸紡織材料作為畫布,繪畫正面部分深沉的筆觸穿透了畫布,在背面自成為如洞穴壁畫般素樸的質感及肌理,卻結構完整的素描作品。輔以藝術家觀察展場狀態,轉譯到畫面的現地創作,畫作正反之間的對話,及色彩在穿透之間的蛻變,對於作品的動態張力及對話提供了嶄新的視角。


Artist Interview

Online Viewing

Exhibition Catalogue

Tell Me a Story Exhibition Catalogue

Installation View

Photo Credit: 王世邦 ANPIS FOTO
Source: TKG+